Executive Director
Executive Director Greg Grosenick is a retired military veteran of 32 years, serving in the Montana Air National Guard. As a chief master sergeant, he primarily took care of airmen and their families. He looks to lead Family Promise-GF with his organizational skills, administrative expertise, and his strong desire to teach and mentor others. Grosenick was born in Minot, ND, and moved to Great Falls with his family soon after. He attended the University of Montana and the Columbus Hospital School of Radiography, earning his national and state of Montana board certification RT(R). Over the past 25 years, Grosenick has served on numerous boards and is currently active with the Bethel Lutheran Church Council and Property Management Committee.
Executive Director Greg Grosenick is a retired military veteran of 32 years, serving in the Montana Air National Guard. As a chief master sergeant, he primarily took care of airmen and their families. He looks to lead Family Promise-GF with his organizational skills, administrative expertise, and his strong desire to teach and mentor others. Grosenick was born in Minot, ND, and moved to Great Falls with his family soon after. He attended the University of Montana and the Columbus Hospital School of Radiography, earning his national and state of Montana board certification RT(R). Over the past 25 years, Grosenick has served on numerous boards and is currently active with the Bethel Lutheran Church Council and Property Management Committee.

Development Director
As the development director, Cari Yturri leads Family Promise-GF with her organizational skills, administrative expertise, fundraising abilities, marketing experience, and grant management knowledge. Yturri was born and raised in Great Falls. She attended Gonzaga University receiving a business administration degree in personnel management and marketing and earned her Master of Organizational Leadership from the University of Providence. Over the past 30 years, Yturri has served on numerous boards and is currently active with the the Great Falls Rotary Club, NeighborWorks Great Falls, and University of Providence.
As the development director, Cari Yturri leads Family Promise-GF with her organizational skills, administrative expertise, fundraising abilities, marketing experience, and grant management knowledge. Yturri was born and raised in Great Falls. She attended Gonzaga University receiving a business administration degree in personnel management and marketing and earned her Master of Organizational Leadership from the University of Providence. Over the past 30 years, Yturri has served on numerous boards and is currently active with the the Great Falls Rotary Club, NeighborWorks Great Falls, and University of Providence.

Outreach and Operations Specialist
Outreach and Operations Specialist Tiffany Wilkson joined Family Promise-GF in March of 2023. She and her husband Jeremiah have been married since the fall of 2020 and together have lots of children and a couple of grandchildren. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with friends or in the garden at their home. A former domestic violence advocate, Wilkson brings experience working with homeless families to the organization. She is trained in crisis counseling, mediation, case management, and is familiar with the eviction laws in Montana. Wilkson also now proudly serves on the board of directors for The YWCA. A former University of Phoenix student, she studied correctional support services in the hopes of one day operating a shelter.
Outreach and Operations Specialist Tiffany Wilkson joined Family Promise-GF in March of 2023. She and her husband Jeremiah have been married since the fall of 2020 and together have lots of children and a couple of grandchildren. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with friends or in the garden at their home. A former domestic violence advocate, Wilkson brings experience working with homeless families to the organization. She is trained in crisis counseling, mediation, case management, and is familiar with the eviction laws in Montana. Wilkson also now proudly serves on the board of directors for The YWCA. A former University of Phoenix student, she studied correctional support services in the hopes of one day operating a shelter.

Case Manager
Case Manager Tiffany Cage brings experience working in both health care and the nonprofit sector to our organization. Cage graduated from Concord Career Institute as a medical assistant in 2004 and spent 20 years working in the health care industry. A former advocate for the YWCA, she has experience working with families in crisis. A mother of three children, Cage and her husband enjoy family time together. In her spare time, this mother enjoys being involved in activities and groups with her church. Cage joined Family Promise -GF n the hopes of utilizing her experience in case management to help the families in our community thrive.
Case Manager Tiffany Cage brings experience working in both health care and the nonprofit sector to our organization. Cage graduated from Concord Career Institute as a medical assistant in 2004 and spent 20 years working in the health care industry. A former advocate for the YWCA, she has experience working with families in crisis. A mother of three children, Cage and her husband enjoy family time together. In her spare time, this mother enjoys being involved in activities and groups with her church. Cage joined Family Promise -GF n the hopes of utilizing her experience in case management to help the families in our community thrive.

Past President
Former Board President Rev. Steve Van Gilder is a retired pastor of the Montana Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Van Gilder has provided spiritual and administrative leadership for over 38 years within congregational life as well as through numerous synodical, ecumenical and community boards. He was raised and educated in Southwest Washington State and has a Master of Divinity from Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, IA. He resides in Great Falls, is a member of the Great Falls Ministerial Association and works at being a life-long learner, seeking ways to serve the needs of the most vulnerable (locally and globally), and making the world a more loving and trustworthy place in which to live.
Former Board President Rev. Steve Van Gilder is a retired pastor of the Montana Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Van Gilder has provided spiritual and administrative leadership for over 38 years within congregational life as well as through numerous synodical, ecumenical and community boards. He was raised and educated in Southwest Washington State and has a Master of Divinity from Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, IA. He resides in Great Falls, is a member of the Great Falls Ministerial Association and works at being a life-long learner, seeking ways to serve the needs of the most vulnerable (locally and globally), and making the world a more loving and trustworthy place in which to live.

Board President
Board President Desarae Baker works with members of the Native American community of Great Falls as a behavioral health case manager to promote holistically healthy and culturally-informed lifestyle choices. Proud first generation descendant of the Little Shell Tribe, Baker believes in educating with passion, sharing health and wellness resources, as well as offering cultural activities to reinforce her approach that “Culture is prevention." With over 10 years’ experience in community outreach and development, she has built a career of making meaningful connections with clients, navigating them through barrier-reduction services. She developed a passion for service when she helped establish the Montana Economic Opportunity AmeriCorps VISTA program. She dedicate two years serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA for the National Native American Hall of Fame. Her volunteer assignment helped her spread Inspirational leadership messaging to Native Americans across the nation. She is the proud mother of three boys and enjoys walking the River’s Edge Trail with her eldest son and puppy Luna.
Board President Desarae Baker works with members of the Native American community of Great Falls as a behavioral health case manager to promote holistically healthy and culturally-informed lifestyle choices. Proud first generation descendant of the Little Shell Tribe, Baker believes in educating with passion, sharing health and wellness resources, as well as offering cultural activities to reinforce her approach that “Culture is prevention." With over 10 years’ experience in community outreach and development, she has built a career of making meaningful connections with clients, navigating them through barrier-reduction services. She developed a passion for service when she helped establish the Montana Economic Opportunity AmeriCorps VISTA program. She dedicate two years serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA for the National Native American Hall of Fame. Her volunteer assignment helped her spread Inspirational leadership messaging to Native Americans across the nation. She is the proud mother of three boys and enjoys walking the River’s Edge Trail with her eldest son and puppy Luna.

Board Vice President
Board Vice President Beckie Frisbee was born and raised in Great Falls, graduating from Great Falls High. Currently she is the secondary curriculum coordinator for the Great Falls Public Schools. Prior to moving to this position, she taught math for 26 years at Great Falls High. Frisbee enjoys traveling, seeing new sights, visiting friends and attending concerts with her husband and son. Her husband, John, is the information technology/network manager for First Interstate Bank. Their son Marcus is a software engineer for Schweitzer Engineering Labs (SEL) in Pullman, Washington.
Board Vice President Beckie Frisbee was born and raised in Great Falls, graduating from Great Falls High. Currently she is the secondary curriculum coordinator for the Great Falls Public Schools. Prior to moving to this position, she taught math for 26 years at Great Falls High. Frisbee enjoys traveling, seeing new sights, visiting friends and attending concerts with her husband and son. Her husband, John, is the information technology/network manager for First Interstate Bank. Their son Marcus is a software engineer for Schweitzer Engineering Labs (SEL) in Pullman, Washington.

Board Treasurer Mary Lehman is a native Montanan who has resided in Great Falls for 30 years. Due to her love of history, she received a Bachelor of Arts in history from Eastern Montana College. She then went on to earn a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the College of Great Falls. After four years in public accounting, Lehman became the chief financial officer for Spectrum Medical. She finished her career in the credit-union industry as vice president of finance for Community Federal Credit Union and then CFO for CUsource. Helping those in need has been a passion of hers since she graduated from college. She has had the honor of serving with some wonderful people on several non-profit boards and is currently chairing the Montana Food Bank Network Board. In 1993 Lehman married her husband, Jerry, and they have four children. She loves fishing with Jerry, and they both love to travel. Knitting has become an obsession, but it is mostly under control.
Board Treasurer Mary Lehman is a native Montanan who has resided in Great Falls for 30 years. Due to her love of history, she received a Bachelor of Arts in history from Eastern Montana College. She then went on to earn a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the College of Great Falls. After four years in public accounting, Lehman became the chief financial officer for Spectrum Medical. She finished her career in the credit-union industry as vice president of finance for Community Federal Credit Union and then CFO for CUsource. Helping those in need has been a passion of hers since she graduated from college. She has had the honor of serving with some wonderful people on several non-profit boards and is currently chairing the Montana Food Bank Network Board. In 1993 Lehman married her husband, Jerry, and they have four children. She loves fishing with Jerry, and they both love to travel. Knitting has become an obsession, but it is mostly under control.

Board Secretary
Board Secretary Trisha Westmoreland, born and raised in Great falls, Montana, fostered a love for nature, engaging in fishing and gold panning with her family. After completing high school, she moved to Colorado Springs, CO, aiming to become a registered nurse. Fate intervened, and she returned home to work as a CNA at Benefis Healthcare, assisting individuals with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Westmoreland holds a profound passion for helping others and is eager to contribute to Family Promise’s fundraising and planning initiatives.
Board Secretary Trisha Westmoreland, born and raised in Great falls, Montana, fostered a love for nature, engaging in fishing and gold panning with her family. After completing high school, she moved to Colorado Springs, CO, aiming to become a registered nurse. Fate intervened, and she returned home to work as a CNA at Benefis Healthcare, assisting individuals with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Westmoreland holds a profound passion for helping others and is eager to contribute to Family Promise’s fundraising and planning initiatives.

Board Member Maryellen Bindel is currently retired and using her free time to volunteer at the Longfellow Elementary School library, working as a docent at the Brother Van House and distributing lunches at First United Methodist Church to those in need. Prior to retirement, Bindel worked for Campfire Inc. in Great Falls., beginning as a volunteer group leader, which transitioned into a paid position as the program director and then serving as the Executive Director for 18 years. During her tenure, she helped create weekend workshops with craft and cooking activities, babysitting training courses, and the summer day camp program for elementary-aged children. Bindel is very passionate about her community and giving back and also places a high priority on her family. Her daughter and son-in-law as well as two of her siblings live in Great Falls. She spends as much time as possible with her family and enjoys the opportunity to travel with them to many different places.

Board Member Marilyn Carlson is a Montana native and a retired teacher with over 30 years of experience in education. She graduated from the University of Montana with a BA in education and a minor in reading. She went on to earn her master’s in language arts. Carlson was a reading teacher, reading coach, and a first-grade teacher with Great Falls Public Schools. Since retiring, she has volunteered at Toby’s Crisis Nursery and is an active member of Bethel Lutheran Church. She enjoys visiting her three daughters and two grandsons whenever possible.

Board Member Candice Griffith was raised in Great Falls and graduated from Great Falls High. She went to the University of Montana where she graduated with a bachelor's degree in elementary education and was commissioned as a army intelligence officer. Griffith served in the Army National Guard for over 20 years, with two overseas combat tours, retiring in 2018. She has worked in a variety of leadership roles and has experience and training in finance, engineering, transportation, logistics and strategic planning. Currently, she is working on a second master’s degree at Walla Walla University-Missoula in social work. Griffith is a fur mom to three: Bella, Milo and Gio.

Board Member Tammy Michelotti is currently the housing and financial counselor at NeighborWorks Great Falls, where she helps people find the dreams they did not know they had through financial training , so they can decide if their future is to continue renting or purchasing a home. She has degrees in business administration, education, paralegal services, and psychology and is a HUD-certified counselor. Michelotti enjoys her work on the Family Promise board because it provides another opportunity for her to help those in our community find a way out of where they are and gives them tools to improve their current situation.

Board Member Terry Olinger is a recent retired health care executive having worked over 40 years in the healthcare industry, most significantly at Benefis Health System where he retired as President of Benefis Hosptials. Olinger received his undergraduate degree from Mankato State and his graduate degree from the University of Mary. He has served on multiple boards including Allivion Health, United Way, American Legion Baseball, the Great Falls Hockey Association. Olinger also served as President of both Montana and Minnesota Health Care Human Resource Associations and presented at several national healthcare associations conferences on cost reduction in healthcare. He and his wife Paula have lived in Great Falls for the past 20 years.
- Finance and Governance Committee: Mary Lehman (chair), Maria Mathews, Dale Schwanke
- Communications, PR, and Congregational Outreach Committee: Jessica Crist (co-chair), Katie Kotynski (co-chair), Peter Johnson, Steve Van Gilder Calendar
- Fund Raising and Grant Management Committee: Beckie Frisbee, Liz Palla, Candice Griffith, Steve Van Gilder